Advertising Ceremony of the Organization of Industrial Engineers – Yarmouk University Branch

The Dean of Al-Hijjawi College of Engineering and Technology, Dr. Khalid Al-Gharaybeh, sponsored the ceremony of the Yarmouk University Student Branch in cooperation with Al-Hijawi Foundation.

Which aims to enhance student work and keep up with the latest developments in the field of industrial engineering in all its branches. In turn, the Dean of the Faculty of Hijjawi Technological Engineering University Dr. Khalid Al-Gharaibeh pointed out that the College has set itself a clear philosophy of engineering education distinguished, to graduate outstanding engineers able to keep abreast of continuous technological development, have applied skills and personal in the various engineering sectors, pointing out that the graduates of the College proved Their competence in various workplaces, and distinguished their reputation for performance and their rapid integration into the labor market, and their ability to enter the challenges of entrepreneurship in Jordan and abroad.

Al-Gharaybeh explained that: today we are faced with great challenges. Teachers and students must realize that traditional engineering based on indoctrination is no longer feasible with fast access to information and amazing knowledge on the Internet. To a more attractive and more effective process, and to turn engineering education towards creativity and excellence, not only towards knowledge acquisition, noting that the college will be based on its future educational process to provide students with the skills and competencies that qualify them for careers of the future and make them able to creativity and Leadership, in addition to focusing on applied research closely related to the immediate needs of the community so that the college becomes the home of the technological expertise of the university and the local and regional community.

In turn, the head of the industrial engineering department and the supervisor of the student branch, Dr. Ammar Al-Rousan, stressed the importance of this step in enhancing the role of students and their communication. This is an important step in upgrading the industrial engineering department of Yarmouk University which was established in 2013 and is in the process of development and development. The role of student activities in strengthening the personality of the student and make him more able to take responsibility.

The ceremony included other sections of the previous experience of the University of Jordan in the presence of Engineer Raghad Hameimat and her students and others to the industrial engineer Ahmed Tamimi graduated from the University of Jordan in 2003, which aims to educate students and reduce the gap between them and the labor market.

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