Faculty of Hijjawi Receives The Award of The Best Graduation Project (Promising)

Al-Hijjawi College of Technological Engineering at Al-Yarmouk University received the award of the best graduation project from 17 projects presented by 12 public and private universities from 11 countries in the graduation contest of the applied students of the faculties of engineering at the International Cultural and Academic Conference 2018 at the University of the Bosporus Strait in Turkey from 3/5 to 10/5/2018.

He won the project “Design work suit equipped with a system of protection and safety of professional compressed gas technology and airbags for high-altitude workers,” which was carried out by the research team consisting of student Farah al-Kufahi, student Islam Dwikat of the Department of Industrial Engineering, and student Sara Hamid of the Department of Electronics Engineering , Under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mestrihi of the Department of Industrial Engineering.

He explained that the project is the design of a safety suit consisting of small tubes of compressed gas, and air bags made of reinforced rubber, to increase the ability to absorb shock and protect the worker when falling, where the proposed safety system on solar energy to reduce electricity consumption, The proposed system senses, communicates and exchanges information using the Internet (IOT) to communicate directly with civil defense to preserve human life as much as possible.

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